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About Us


The Canadian Celt was launched as a continuance of the New Era magazine founded to promote Irish / Celtic Canadian Culture and help foster a greater understanding of Celtic Tradition in Canadian Society.  


In publishing an array of Features, Editorials, News, Sports, Fashion and Entertainment… The Canadian Celt also offers its readers access to other organizations and retail outlets and recognizes the long standing support of our community, sponsors, writers and contributors and the creative design of the late Mr. Liam Daly, producer and host of the ever-popular TV program, the Montreal Irish Show and one time CBC Radio host.  


It is the goal of The Canadian Celt, to maintain the efforts and memories of those founding Nations, emblazoned on the silk of Montreal's municipal flag.   Those include the First Nations, Indigenous peoples, with the Pine cone at centre of flag;  a blue Fleur-de-lys, of the Royal House of Bourbon, representing the French,  a red Rose of Lancaster, representing the English, a shamrock, to represent the Irish and a thistle, representing the Scottish.  The Canadian Celt also extends a welcome to all  Canadians, from coast to coast to coast, who have helped place Canada amongst the finest of nations. 



The original New Era was founded  as an Irish news publication in Montreal, Canada, on  May 25,1857, by Thomas D’Arcy McGee, an Irish patriot who became one of the founding fathers of Canadian Confederation in 1867.  


Since Confederation and before, the Irish, French and Scots along with the English, have played an active role in the exploration, politics and institutions of this great country and we are proud of their accomplishments and proud to be called Celts! 


So let the shores of the  Celtic Coasts, be as near as your doorsteps!  Enjoy your Canadian Celt today.

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